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Toothache is one of the most common reason why people see an emergency dentist. Toothache can be caused by tooth decay, a dental abscess, a cracked or damaged tooth, a loose or broken filling and infection. image 17 min

Dental abscess

A dental abscess is a collection of pus that can form inside the teeth, in the gums or in the bone that holds the teeth in place. Its caused by a bacterial infection. There one around the gum (periodontal abscess) and second around the end of tooth (periapical abscess).

Wisdom Tooth Pain

Wisdom Tooth Pain

The wisdom teeth grow at the back of mouth and are the last teeth to come through. Most people have 4 wisdom teeth. Wisdom teeth usually grow during the late teens or early twenties. By this time, the other adult teeth are usually in place, so there its always enough room in the mouth.

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Broken tooth

Teeth may break for a number of reasons including dental decay, trauma, diet, sports injury or grinding. Chipping, breaking or cracking a tooth is usually not serious, your dentist should be able to treat it. Treatment depends on the extent of damage. A through assessment is required by your dentist or Emergency Dentist Edinburgh.

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Tooth extraction

A dental abscess is a collection of pus that can form inside the teeth, in the gums or in the bone that holds the teeth in place. Its caused by a bacterial infection. There one around the gum (periodontal abscess) and second around the end of tooth (periapical abscess). image 22

Broken/Lost Veneer

Although dental veneers are cemented into place, they can become loose or break off. With broken veneers, patients should keep hold of the veneer and contact their regular dentist or Emergency Dentist Edinburgh immediately to book an urgent dental appointment.

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Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatment (RCT) is a dental procedure used to treat infection at the centre of a tooth (the root canal system) and save a tooth that is badly decayed or becomes infected. Root Canal Treatment is needed when the pulp chamber and the canals within the roots of a tooth are irreversibly inflamed due to infection, causing severe pain. image 26

Sensitive Teeth

Teeth sensitivity is among the most common dental problems experienced by members of the public, but it remains extremely unpleasant. Sensitive teeth cause patients to experience discomfort in their teeth caused by the consumption of hot, cold or sweet food and drinks. Most people will find they feel nothing more than a light twinge in their tooth when suffering from this problem, image 25

Bleeding Gums

Bleeding gums and gums infections are usually preventable with an effective daily oral hygiene routine and regular hygienist visits. Gum infections are caused by a build-up of bacteria that has collected as plaque around teeth. If plaque is left on teeth for a long period of time and allowed to mature, gum infections can develop However, when gum infections occur, it is usually treated by seeing regular dentist or Emergency Dentist Edinburgh.


Loose Crown

Crowns can de-bond or fracture or become loose at any time. In some cases, crowns can partially de-  bond and remain in place but allow bacteria to penetrate underneath them and cause  rapid decay and infection. A through assessment is required by your dentist. Call immediately to arrange an appointment with your dentist or Emergency Dentist Edinburgh. image 7 1

Permanent retainer

Permanent retainers work great to keep your teeth aligned after braces or Invisalign treatment. A broken permanent retainer is something that can happen from time to time. Teeth will tend to shift if they aren’t held in place. If the wire of the permanent retainer starts hurting your tongue or bothering you before you can get it repaired, you image 24

Lost/Broken Fillings

Dental Fillings can be lost or fracture or become loose at any time. In some cases, filling can partially break and remain in place but allow bacteria to penetrate underneath them and cause rapid decay and infection. A through assessment is required by your dentist. Call immediately to arrange an appointment with your dentist or Emergency Dentist Edinburgh. image min

Chipped Tooth

Teeth may chip for a number of reasons including dental decay, trauma, diet, sports injury or grinding. Chipping, breaking or cracking a tooth is usually not serious, your dentist should be able to treat it. Treatment depends on the extent of damage. A through assessment is required by your dentist or Emergency Dentist Edinburgh.

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